YouTube watch time increase For free
There are many of you who are
facing the problem of not completing YouTube watch time. So today I am going to
tell you how to complete youtube watch time
So I am Going To Show
You a YouTube watch time hack and how
to YouTube watch time increase
Follow the steps below and it
should fix this problem
First Of All, Go to the Chrome Browser Download And Install Chrome Profile Generator
Now open the chrome profile generator
where you install it.
Set the quantity of chrome clones depend on your Need
Now you can see a lot of chrome
clones on your
Open the chrome browser download
and install the VPN extension in all chrome clones.
Now open the all VPN extension on
your all browser
Open the notepad and write the below code in your notepad
@Echo Off
Start (your Chrome Browser Name)
(your youtube video link)
Now repeat this code like this in your other video for another browser
Now Save the file the name of your
Now you can see your file is saved
in .bat file
Double click on it
Now you can see that your browser
is opening as many times as you coded
your browser run your youtube video with a different IP address and complete your youtube watch time.