Elon Musk is the biggest name in the world and who get business advices for young generation, many people call him crazy and many people call him wise. He has earned so much money in just one year. He is the most powerful person in the world. He recently announced to buy Twitter. He told Twitter to take fifty billion dollars and give Twitter to me. 50 billion dollars is a huge amount. Elon Musk always looks into the future. He thinks ten years ahead of today. Ten years from now, the world's major cities will be so populated that it will be impossible to control the traffic on the roads. He created a boring company that builds roads. In the future, vehicles will pass under the ground and not above the ground.

How To Be Rich At a Young Age

The next generation will be very smart and everyone will use smart technology and therefore the internet will be accessible to everyone. He created Starlink, a company that will provide 100% fast internet across the world for the upcoming era of robots and machines. It will be and controlling them will be considered a very difficult task, keeping in mind that neuralink were created, which are chips that will be inserted into the human brain and with the help of which machines can be controlled. Need no introduction, these are all projects of Elon Musk which will surprise the whole world in the future and it will not be wrong to say that the world will be completely changed by 2030 and Elon Musk will show it by doing this. In this lesson, I am going to tell you about 8 advice from Elon Musk that if you take and start to follow, remember that in the future, you will make as much money as people make in a year. Earn so much in a day If you want to earn as much money in a day as people earn in a year, then read these eight tips carefully.

Advice #1 Financial IQ

How To Be Rich At a Young Age

Elon Musk has said in many of his interviews that if you want to make money, increase your financial IQ. The goal is to earn money but unfortunately not a single subject related to money is taught in school and college we are not given any financial education in school and college life and this is our misfortune and that is why people over time They are not getting rich but they are getting poorer with time, that is the reason why 82 percent of people in Pakistan are living in money trouble and they can never be financially free, that's why friends if you want to be rich in life. Read more about financial education and the best source for this is finance books

Advice #2 Compounding

How To Be Rich At a Young Age

The second advice that Elon Musk gives people the most is compounding and Albert Einstein also said that there are seven wonders in the world and the eighth wonder is compounding if one understands it. It is said that small things never give big results, but small things when combined and persisted for a long time, give big results. No wonder and that's the power of compounding who understood it became successful now compounding doesn't work only in money small daily habits when followed consistently over a long period of time give huge results like any other. Reading five pages of a good book a day will not gain you anything but if you read these five pages every day continuously, after a year you will have read 1825 pages which is equal to about ten good books and That is compounding

Advice #3 Multi-skills

How To Be Rich At a Young Age

Elon Musk says that this era has come where one skill means you are just one step away from poverty. In the future, the world is going to change so fast that you don't even have an idea, so multi-skills and multi-income sources. It's very important to learn skills that pay more. In Google, you will find many such skills. Elon Musk says that most people today go to school, college, get a job, and then they spend the rest of their lives doing it. And it's not a life, I don't say don't go to school but at the same time develop skills in yourself

Advice #4 Think tanks

Elon Musk says that where I am today is due to many people. There are many more people behind my intelligence. You can't call yourself the smartest. Who can give you the best advice and help you out of trouble. If you want to be at the forefront, you need to be surrounded by people who are smarter than you, more experienced than you, so friends. Surround yourself with people who are firstly trustworthy and secondly know more about your field than you.

Advice #5 Be an Entrepreneur

How To Be Rich At a Young Age

Entrepreneurs are actually in the business who take responsibility for profit and loss, they build the business, market it, run it and then sell it and earn a lot of money, so you must have business knowledge if you are a job. If you are me, you can become a great entrepreneur. Go to your boss and say that I will increase your sales by 10%. How much will you give me in return? Sit with your boss and talk. An incident of Colgate company is very famous. The employee came and said to the CEO that I can increase your sales by 15%. In return, what will you give me? You increase the lead of your cannon paste a little more and your sales will increase by 15% every month. Learn about experiential marketing and that is the future

Advice #6 Technology

Business Advices From Elon Musk

Elon Musk says that use technology in work, the coming era will be equipped with technology. Today you can open an online store and sell your products all over the world. Even though there are millions of blogs written on online earning, thousands of videos have been made, the internet is full of how to make money online and you still say. How to earn online so friends connect with technology and build your career

Advice #7 Vision


Elon Musk says that if you have thought about doing something in life, why not do something big, why not fly in the sky, the bigger your vision, the bigger you will become, so you must have a vision. You should know why you are breathing why you are waking up every morning why you are working every day Elon Musk says if you don't have a vision how will you take action how to move forward in life How will you grow something?

Advice #8 Patience

How To Be Rich At a Young Age

They say that the fruit of patience is always sweet, so the one who works hard and does not give up patience is the only one who succeeds. If not then they give up and if you really want to do something big in life you should have at least three to five years of patience if you work 14 to 18 hours a day to achieve your goal. If you try hard and have patience, then you will definitely achieve your goal one day. So friends, this was the advice that Elon Musk gave to the world to move forward in life.